Saturday, October 30, 2010


There are shadows and there is a race

There are looks, of miles under their grace

Blown and tired I look for that place

With just you , me and sanctity of your face

There are races and there are mice

There are stories about who won it thrice

I tried to run and I paid some price

I take a break and look for your laughing eyes

There is victory and there are men of heart

There are men who want everything from the start

Some get bloodied , some build a wall

I look for the smile to nurse my fall

There is a creator and there is a mimic

There is a legend about how he does his trick

There is a face to the mimic and there is a tone

I look to shed this in the reality of your home


Anubhav Nandi said...

hi aravind , nice one ... I like the word laughing eyes .

DRBharatsinh said...

nice poem ... I like it