Thursday, May 29, 2008


The last sip from the glass
Has an effect that lasts
It is the difference between a day of horrors
And a Night that ended with a blast

A battlefield of victorious fallen warriors
Is better than a man who lost alive
After all at home there is a mirror
Which shows lines of futile scars

A walking hunter with a prize catch
And Mourning a dead black horse
Stands taller than a man with relieved breaths
And a regretful sight of that lost wreath

Its 2 down friends and one to Go
Its blood on brows friends and sweats to flow
Its just men on the other side friends
And, A lot of ground for warriors to throw.


Shantanu Dhankar said...

Your earlier works have lot of restrain in them, perhaps the underlying theme is that of struggle,this one speaks of courage...Are we seeing a gradual freedom in your writing?

Aravind Ganesan said...

Maybe so. As you grow you start realising about yourself.